
Volkswagen confirmed that it is in talks with Tesla to adopt the NACS connector for its electric vehicles in North America.

The news comes after Electrify America, which was founded by Volkswagen, announced the adoption of NACS.

Over the last month, Tesla managed to convince virtually all major American automakers to switch to its newly opened connector standard; NACS.

Ford was first to jump on board with GM and Rivian following shortly after.

Volvo and Polestar, which are owned by China’s Geely, have also followed this week.

But the European, or more specifically German, automakers, as well as the Asian automakers, have yet to jump on the NACS.

Earlier today, Electrify America, a charging station operator founded by Volkswagen as part of its settlement over the Dieselgate standard, confirmed it would produce stations with NACS connector.

That was a good sign for the Volkswagen Group to be the first German automaker to adopt the standard in North America.

Sure enough, the Volkswagen Group confirmed today that it is in active discussion with Tesla to adopt NACS. A spokesperson shared in an email today:

Volkswagen Group and its brands are currently evaluating the implementation of the Tesla North American Charging Standard (NACS) for its North American customers.

The group specifically mentioned its “brands”, which could mean that all VW, Audi, and Porsche brands might adopt it simultaneously.

Electrek’s Take

It would likely be the “coup de grace” for CCS in North America. I think BMW and Merceds-Benz would quickly follow.

Now you would just need the Japanese and Korean to follow, namely, Toyota, Nissan, and Hyundai/Kia.

I wouldn’t be surprised if those were waiting for NACS to become an official standard, which we just learned is in motion through SAE International.

I can’t believe it to be honest. I was hoping for it, but if you would have told me that we would be here 6 months ago, I wouldn’t have believed you.

Congrats Tesla and I think Aptera is also partly responsible for all of this in a strange way.